(2018) Logo: ELynx 軒 II + Blue Bird
Doodle of my logo as poles and signs, plus a blue bird.
(2017) Logo: ELynx Variants I
A play of color and shape to test out variations of my ELynx logo.
(2018) Logo + Yin Yang + Cait
Another round of brainstorming new logo marrying Elynx with Chinese word 軒. Meanwhile I was binge watching Britannia via Amazon Prime, thus inserted a little portrait of Cait, the chosen one.
(2018) 軒, Cats, MLK
This is another mindless pen and marker doodles, featuring variations of the Chinese word 軒 (Xuan), which means pavilion, vehicle pillars , or rise/tall.
Why? It's a part of my name and it has been part of my artist signature for decades.
Also randomly doodled a rough portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. on his day, and added Vi the cat to keep him company.