Map of Waterdeep 2.5D

Map of Waterdeep 2.5D

iOS in-game map during night time. 
(Screenshot from

iOS in-game map during night time.
(Screenshot from

Map of Waterdeep 2.5D

This is a tribute to Dungeons and Dragon: Lords of Waterdeep. A salute to the original board game, and more so to the iOS mobile game published by Wizards of the Coast and developed by Playdek Inc.
I made the initial animated map as a senior artist at Playdek Inc. for the iOS version, and this is a remake of it from ground up.
The intend is to a living map, populated with floating clouds, sailing ships, flying seagulls, and circling Griffin.
The in-game version even has night and day cycle, I'd hope to recreate that to share with you some day.

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