Abstract Art I
(1991) People

(1991) People

(1990) Flight

(1990) Flight

(1990) Proto

(1990) Proto

(1990) Cyborg Insectoid 26

(1990) Cyborg Insectoid 26

Abstract Art I

(1991) People
"So people must band together,
needing each others,
but each are agenda driven,
hating each others,
generating contradictions...
these are -
the people."

(1990) Flight
Flight is to fly toward the sky,
to fly toward the space,
to fly toward the clouds of limitless freedom.
Flight is to break the limits,
to break the plight,
to fly toward the dreams of limitless freedom.
I want to fly, fly out of my own constraints,
fly toward a state beyond my current self."
Interesting that what I wrote as a kid, still applies all these years later.

(1990) Proto
The Chinese word 原 means proto, prototype, origin, or primary.

(1990) Cyborg Insectoid 26
This is a pencil drawing of an upper torso of an alien cybernetic insectoid.
Somewhat abstract, I think my thirteen years old self already mastered the art of drawing lines mindlessly.

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