Daily #Art - Day 07-09-19
(2019) The Crowd
Here'a an illustrated tribute to Gustave Le Bon (May 7, 1841 – Dec 13, 1931) and his book the Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (1895).
I have been observing a continuing riot in Hong Kong since last month.
These so-called protests have since escalated into violent riots, and these rioters are openly vandalizing government buildings, attacking people they deem are not one of them.
It is ironic that the mob use slogans such as "freedom," "peace," and "democracy," which are contrary to their actions.
Sadly, these rioters have mass media support to cover up their violence acts, thus I feel it necessary to express my disapproval.
每日藝術 - 2019年7月9日
這幅圖是對法國社會學家古斯塔夫·勒龐(1841年5月7日 - 1931年12月13日)和他的著作“烏合之眾:大眾心理研究”(1895年)的致敬。
自上個月以來,我一直在觀察一場持續在香港的騷亂。 所謂的和平抗議活動很快升級為暴力騷亂,這些騷亂者公然破壞政府大樓,隨意包圍攻擊他們認為持反對意見的人。
(#15,657 / #247 / #145)