Persistence of Memory 3D

Persistence of Memory 3D

Persistence of Memory 3D Sculpture

Persistence of Memory 3D

(2020) Persistence of Memory 3D
Here's 3D tribute to Persistence of Memory (1931) by surreal artist Salvador Dalí (May 11, 1904 – January 23, 1989). There are two more easter eggs planted in the scene, both are jewelry design by Dali. One is the Royal Heart (1953), and the other is the Eye of Time (1949). The reason why I added these two as Easter eggs (so as an ear), is this piece reminded me text regarding the five senses from the Buddhism Heart Sutra.
#3dpainting #3dart #3dmodeling #surrealart #persistenceofmemory #persistence #memory #salvadordali #salvadordalí #dali #dalí #clock #meltingclock #ants #hinxlinx #ericlynxlin #elynx #軒 #林靖軒

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