Daily Sketches VII - February 2018
Day #15,154 - Gruber, Lazarus, Snape

Day #15,154 - Gruber, Lazarus, Snape

Day #15,153 - Mercury-Atlas 6

Day #15,153 - Mercury-Atlas 6

Day #15,152 - Copernicus + Fontana

Day #15,152 - Copernicus + Fontana

Daily Sketches VII - February 2018

Day #15,154 - Gruber, Lazarus, Snape
A tribute to English actor Alan Rickman (1946 - 2016), for his birthday on February 21st.
I think the three most iconic characters he played are:
Hans Gruber - Die Hard (1988)
Alexander Dane / Dr. Lazarus - Galaxy Quest (1999)
Professor Snape - Harry Potter films (2001 - 2011)

Day #15,153 - Mercury-Atlas 6
A tribute to Mercury-Atlas 6 (MA-6) mission, launched by NASA on February 20, 1962. The significance of mission is that John Glenn was the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth, on board of the Friendship 7 spacecraft.

Day #15,152 - Copernicus + Fontana
A tribute to Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 - 1543), and Lucio Fontana (1899 - 1968), both shared Feb 19th birthday.
Copernicus was the Renaissance-era astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun instead of the Earth.
Lucio Fontana was an Italian painter who was known for simply making slashes on canvas in pursue of his art ideal: Spatialism.

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