Day 04-15-18 - Da Vinci in Red
A tribute to Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) for his 566th birthday. The composition comprises Head of a girl (1483), Vitruvian Man (1485), the Last Supper (1498), and Mona Lisa (1503), in the tone of a Portrait of a Man in Red (1512), allegedly his self portrait. (#15208)
Day 04-14-18 - Buffy
A tribute to Sarah Michelle Gellar for her 41st birthday, with a portrait of young Buffy Summer from year one holding a Mr. Pointy.
Day 04-14-18 - Napping Vi II / Day 04-13-18 - Napping Vi I
Quick sketches of my cat Vi sleeping.
Day 04-13-18 - Thomas Jefferson
A tribute to Thomas Jefferson, a founding father of the United States for his 275th birthday. The composition includes his portrait, his home Monticello, and his early draft of the Declaration of the Independence overlay-ed in the background.