Captain Banana is a Banana themed super hero, aimed to be a satire of super hero genre, as parody of 90s Batman movie franchise, created in 1997.
(1997) Captain Banana - Promotional Art
These are a set of glamour promotional art of Captain Banana. Obviously these are heavily influenced by the Batman movie franchise in 90s, from a Banana-mobile to the nipples on his suit.
(1997) Captain Banana - Character Sheet
This is a finalized character sheet of Captain Banana. From what I can recalled, this illustration was drawn using Neon Genesis Evagalion character design sheet as format guide.
(1997) Captain Banana - Casts
This is a sheet of the cast members from Captain Banana. These characters are designed based on Chinese game Mahjong, which each one of them represent a tile from the game.
(1997) Captain Banana - Bananmobile
This is a glamour promotional image of Bananamobile